15th August 2005

Well here we are in August!

well where do I start well I suppose the biggest news is that we have moved apartments. We were always intending to move out of the centre of Brisbane after our first six months and now we have!

The move was a bit difficult in that it has stretched our finances to the limit but with the help of some good friends we have moved to our new apartment in Norman Park. We moved from a furnished apartment to an unfurnished  one and have had to borrow some furniture and start from scratch - but its been fun?!

Here are a few pictures of the apartment

I was hunting for an apartment whilst Rob was in the UK taking his exam and driving round I spotted this place for rent at $120 less per week than we paid in Kangaroo point. It is on top of a hill overlooking the city, but is a bit cut off from shops and bars etc.

Here is a map of where we have moved from and to in the centre of Brisbane

But the views are wonderful in the evening as the lights come on in the city, in fact I am sitting on the balcony watching the sun go down through the palm trees over the city as I type this with not a cloud in sight. Just a few parrots making some noise

Here are some pictures from our balcony's

The weather in winter here has been ok clear days and cold nights - I have had to dig out the only jumper I brought with me to Australia!


The next piece of major news is that I now have a full time job! As part of my visa I have to work a minimum of 20 hours a week in the second half of 2005 as work experience. After a long and hard time trying to find one I have ending up at a restaurant called Harvey's in Fortitude Valley in the centre of town.

Heres the link to the website Harveys

Its a great place with a wicked menu and they work us hard. I am learning a lot and trying not to muck too much up, but I only get paid for 20 hours work and last week I worked 48 - Its knackering and some time it gets me down but overall its good. The chief I have been working with (who was really good and taught me a lot)  has left this week to become sous chef at the Restaurant that has just won the bets restaurant in Brisbane for 2005 best. So next week we will have a new sous chef to work with.

Here a couple of pic's of Harvey's and some of my fellow students on our last day of term.

What else have we been up to? well not too much as Rob was back in the UK for his exam which I am sorry to say he was unsuccessful at ( but only failed by 0.6%)

Rob has been singing with the choir out here and we have travelled round a bit when we can

Here are a few pics

That's all for now folks but remember our address and phone number have changed for all those red cross parcels and wedding invites

oh and here are a couple of links

This one is a aussie beer add - a bit like lord of the rings meets a BA add

Now this made me laugh a lot but not for the squeamish

Happy Tree Friends 



Le Chef